Time to Value Matrix
For coaches, consultants, training companies and e-learning businesses that rely on their content to deliver value.
Take the mystery out of retaining clients and increasing average client value
Get a practical framework you can use to easily grow your business.
Provide continuous value, renewing clients, and upselling/ascending into your other programs
Without understanding the exact value you create that relates to your ideal client’s goals and focusing on creating results within that value, it’s going to cost you big…
→ You will constantly be hustling for new clients
→ You will continue to question the value you provide
→ You will keep feeling like a “business imposter”
→ You will keep wondering why your clients “want a different perspective” or “want to take a break to implement” or ghost you
You don’t have to fall for the industry line that you just need another offer or more leads. Join the Business Catalyst and get everything you need to scale your revenue and profit.
Disconnect your time from the money you earn and leverage your expertise by:
→ Retaining more clients for longer
→ Converting more prospects to clients
→ Reducing attrition
→ Increasing engagement
→ Being known as someone who offers and delivers value
→ Being the guide your customers need
During this process, you will solidify your value buckets and get a clear plan on what you need to do and what your clients need to do to drive results they expect to get. Many quality trainers and coaches have an enormous amount of knowledge and this is lost simply because their content is not delivered effectively and the value hasn’t been defined. Customers lose faith, drop off and don’t refer their friends and colleagues. By defining the value points in the journey through your world and understanding exactly what problem is that you’re solving for your clients – directing them to the relevant content to consume whether it be:
- In person
- Video
- Audio
- Blog
- Mini- courses
- Homework
- Community Group
You’ll benefit from higher conversions, more sales, increased lifetime client value, and ultimately more money.
If you don’t have your value clearly defined and aligned with the results your clients can expect and the “things you have them do” then you’re not influencing how to most effectively guide them to achieving their goals. Then your customers are not getting the full impact of what you can deliver for them. This is not a done for you programme. This is a done with you program where we will guide you through:
- Clarifying your top 3 value buckets that align with your ideal client’s desired state
- Identify the results you create within the 3 value buckets for your clients
- Understand your ideal client’s mindset as they go through your client journey
- Draw out from you what content is critical for them to consume and implement to achieve the results in the quickest amount of time.
- and what activities will influence those value points in the future so that the value is realised more efficiently and effectively