Keap (formerly infusionsoft)

This is the key tool we use to configure and implement the automated customer journeys that we blueprint and design.

Keap formerly known as Infusionsoft

We first fell in love with, what was then, Infusionsoft back in 2012 when we were working with a company doing 3 workshops a month and managing it all from spreadsheets.

When we were setting it up we realised the power under the hood and immediately saw the possibilities for our other clients and within a ridiculously short space of time we became Infusionsoft Partners.  

Trained by Infusionsoft in the deepest darkest depths, nooks and crannies and crafty corners ensuring that any and every Infusionsoft user that came into contact with us could unleash the full potential for their business.

Since that fateful time way back when, we have served 100s of Infusionsoft users and now support Infusionsoft in their automation webinars and partner training – so that we can spread the love further, faster.

One of the things we love about Infusionsoft, is that out of the box it’s already incredibly powerful and that its core features and functionality can be enhanced with a plethora of 3rd party applications to pretty much get it to do and report on whatever you want.

How we serve Infusionsoft & Keap Users

We continue to work with every kind of business across the globe building a multitude of different journeys, designing and implementing different strategies and funnels across all departments of a business as required.

Either weekly or fortnightly (that’s twice a month if you’re in the USA) calls to ensure that there is a strategy and that it stays on track and is moving forward offering the required level of implementation and training to ensure success, conversions, evolution and company growth.

Auditing & Housekeeping

Keap vs Infusionsoft

Back in January 2019 Infusionsoft rebranded the company to Keap.  The legacy / flagship software remains to be known as Infusionsoft by Keap (IBK) and they introduced the new product Keap designed to serve smaller companies. You can read the whole story here.

FREE 14 Day Keap Trials